Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Cake Decorating with Teras Kuliner

I have been wanting to take a cake decorating lesson for sometime and the change came in last saturday... Thanks to Feli who encouraged me to join the lesson eventhough the place was very very far a way from where I lived.

Anyway, boy am I glad that I decided to join this cake decorating class... The teachers are all helpful and really friendly... and very patient as well... Kebayang ndak, satu ruangan yang dipenuhi teriakan2 Tehhhhh....tolooongggg...SOS...ndak bisa rapi koqqqqq....oallahhhhh mawarnya jatuhhhhhhh....wah seru dah pokoke....hehehe

During the lesson though....I know now why birthday cake is really really requires a lot of energy to create them! Berkutat ngerapiin buttercreamnya, trus buat mawarnya...trus mengolah warna .... trus ganti2 spuitnya...wah and the list goes on dah pokoke...

Well, after all the hard work....tha tha....

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